Saturday, July 2, 2011

Polishing and More Polishing

So, it's been a week or two, but i've been in the vortex of editing!

My mind is a whirl with edits, swirling notions skitter across my fried conscience... tightening chapters, character revisions, a paragraph here, another there, deleting this, and moving that, and behold the comma's!! 

All that to say, the world is near to complete :)  And I couldn't be happier to announce it.  Last few days of editing before i head to a wedding in Connecticut for a friend (my my, how time flies--first of my close friends to tie the knot!).   Going to use these awesome days well, and the book should be done!

Since I can't say anything more epic and awesome than that, I shall end it on that note ;)

See ya in a few days,

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another Talk! And more: Q and A!

I apologize as it has been a few days since the last post, but i wanted to updated the blog and let it be known i had a superflantistic (again 5 words mixed together) talk last week on Wednesday to the group of Mrs. Duncan's students :)  There were lots of great questions, and even more shameless book plugging, and i really enjoyed it all, but...

I wanted to address a few questions in specific again!   

Q: How does time work [in your book]? 

A:  I thought this was a really interesting question, even though i get a lot of great ones, this seemed a little different.  I believe i answered that time passes normally.  This is true, but on a side note, i would read "The Ronin Saga" on the site (plugging i know).  However, this gives a really good feel for what happened in the world prior to the set time, and sets up the scope and span of the world (aka timeline and the grandiose size of the events that occurred.)

Q: "Am I any one of my characters?"

A: ALL OF THEM!!  An author loses himself in his characters--this is a process that is a kind of hodgepodge of blending identities.  But again, i would say that while Gray may resemble some of my quirks, or others that i know, and has a lot of flaws that i can relate too... it is Mura.  Mura the constant purveyor of wisdom, the one who attempts to bring stability, who is a bit of an oddball at times, and lastly, who loves a good joke ;)  Definitely a lot of me dappled through those characteristics. 

Q: "Are you published?"

A:  Short answer, no.  Not yet at least.  I am going the self-publishing route for the Knife's Edge to assure that i have the most control over the book, and still retain the ability to spread the word, and do talks like these, and much more.  Ideally, i would like to catch the eye of Houghton Mifflin or Knopf or any other really great publisher, but for now, this is my route.

I let you all know that I needed you in this process, but that was a little shy of the real answer.  I REALLY need you :)  This may seem a little needy, but it's the truth.  Every supporter is epicly important to me and I mean that.  What is great is that (at this point in time) I can answer your questions in full, each and every one of them, and be there for every single person ideally.  And i enjoy this, immensely.  Yet when it gets big, that, I assume, will become more slightly more difficult--though again, ideally, i never want to disconnect or be unreachable to my main audience, which is of course, my first diehard supporters/fans :D

I wrote this book because i love the story, and incidentally I also love to write.  The story took hold of me.  However, now i want more.  I want all to experience the same passion i had during the process of writing in the process of reading--to be whisked away, taken and alighted on another plain: the Rolling Hills and grassy fields of Daerval where the final battle took place, or the magical realm of Farhaven, in the dunes of Farbs, or the enchanted woods and glades of Eldas, the Elvin capital with its breathtaking abodes and glimmering lights, taking each step in the shoes of the characters, big and little.

I suppose that was the long answer!  But i can't wait till' next talk, and until next signing!!  Thanks again CCA.

Ps.  On this note, feel free to ask questions in regards to the book, me, writing, or anything else here (on this blog), or on fbook, or twitter, or email  Anywhere that others can see is an ideal place so it can be shared :D

Much adoration,
Matt Wolf

Friday, June 10, 2011

Speech and Good Times

So the speech went really well!  I had a ton of fun, as expected, and all you guys and gals were amazing--a plethora of good questions that are still making me think and ponder (:D movie ideas still churning and churning).

I can't wait to speak again.  I'll probably be coming back in one week to Mrs Duncan's class for a quick talk, but excited to return when the book is in its fancy hardcover (all nice and appropriately clothed).  Signing and answering more questions will be a lot of fun (gah, now I seem to say the word "fun" as much as i did "good questions"--though they were).

All in all, a great group of future writers and novelists and their passion towards the craft and interesting in the Knife's Edge almost equally inspiring.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Speaking at CCA!

Speaking at the local high school Canyon Crest Academy! Super excited to talk with budding writer's and novelists about the future or writing, the hurdles we all experience along the way including writer's "block" and my quirky take, and of course some fun, and slightly shameless book plugging!  *Ahem*, Knife's Edge, Book One of the Ronin Saga, an epic fantasy soon to be published *Ahem*--ah dang, allergies ;)

Can't wait--and first of many talks to come!

Matt Wolf